- datapack list

Recipe Changes

Blackstone As Cobblestone:

Blackstone can now also be used instead of cobblestone in some recipes.

Campfire Additions:

- Ores can now be smelted on campfires.
- Dyes can be gained from flowers on the campfire.
- Logs on the campfire make coal.
- When putting sticks on the campfire they turn into torches.
- Wet sponges can now be dried on the campfire.

Cauldron For Concrete:

Throwing any amount of concrete powder into a cauldron that is filled with water will turn all of the concrete powder into solid concrete.

Coal To Black Dye:

Coal and charcoal can now be turned into black dye.

Concrete To Glass:

Concrete powder blocks can now be made into stained glass blocks by smelting them.

Droppers To Dispensers:

Crafting a dispenser is now possible in two more ways:
- Putting a dropper and a bow together.
- Putting a dropper in the middle with the recipe of a bow around it.

Leather From Rotten Flesh:

Leather can now be made by putting rotten flesh in a furnace or on a campfire.

Magma Blocks As Fuel:

Magma blocks can now be used to fuel furnaces.

Shaped Recipes To Shapeless:

Bread, paper and shulker boxes now don't need to be crafted in a straight line. That makes them possible to craft in the inventory crafting slots.

Slabs And Stairs To Full Blocks:

Slabs and Stairs can now be crafted back into the full block.

Stonecutter To Woodcutter:

The stonecutter now also functions as a woodcutter.

Player Heads Recipe:

- Plain player heads can now be crafted by surrounding a quartz block with dye.
- All of the player heads can now also be turned into custom player heads with the help of the Minecraft Heads website.

Universal Dyeing:

Already dyed blocks like terracotta, wool, beds, etc can now be dyed again.

Unpacking Blocks:

- Packed and blue ice can be crafted into their previous blocks.
- Nether wart blocks can be crafted back into nether warts.
- Wool can be crafted into strings.

Wood Block Amount:

When crafting logs into the fully barked wood blocks, the recieved amount now is four instead of only three.