Want to join Krenia?

Please read everything carefully if you're interested!


Until now the requirements to become a part of the Krenia SMP have been quite loose, but as of era 3 the rules for joining will be more strict.

To join Krenia in the following eras you need to:
- have access to play the Java version of Minecraft with your own account.
- be at least around 16 years old.
- already be active on YouTube with proper content.
- produce frequent SMP videos on YouTube.
- be sure that you will not quit half way through the era.
- make an application video.
- be able and comfortable to speak in your Krenia videos and your application. (Either in your own voice or a respectful generated voice.)

(Exeptions are possible. Some examples of which are provable matureness, an impressive "resume" of finished projects or if you were contaced/asked by Marcellesko directly.)

Recruiting time frame:

As the player list is fixed once an era begins and the duration of an era isn't clear from the beginning, the only time new members get recruited is once the end of the previous era is in sight. If you found the project in the middle of an era and want to join, you will have to wait until in between the eras to start playing. However you are always welcome to ask any time and you will be considered.


At the moment, the idea of a required application video is very new and not yet fully determined. However, if this method of approving new members gets implemented, the following will be necessary in the application video:

- Topics that you might implement in your videos and on the server. (building, redstone, minigames, etc.)
- Past or present experience with Minecraft and said topics.
- Roughly for how long you have been playing Minecraft.
- The video can be anywhere from 2 to 25 minutes long.
- Your name and how you want to be called. (Preferably also pronouns.)
- Your age.*
- Anything Marcellesko or all the players should be aware of.*
- If you want to prove your motivation to join, be creative and show us an interesting application video.

*Information is only needed in either the video description or the application message.


If you can assure that all the above can be done and provided and you're interested to join the Krenia SMP, follow these steps:

1. If not already existent, create a Discord account.
2. Join the Krenia SMP Community Discord Server. (Learn more here.)
3. Create the application video and upload it to YouTube either as public or unlisted.
4. Send a direct message to Marcellesko, providing all the necessary information and the link to your application video.

(Do not send the application in any channel of the Discord server, as they are not the right place for it!)

Marcellesko (the owner of the SMP and server) will then answer as fast as he can. (Please keep in mind that it might take some time, but probably not more than a few days.) Once he has answered your message he will have a look at the application video and if you are suited to play on Krenia. If so, he will share the video with other members that have been part of the project for a longer time and discuss whether to accept your application or not. (This might also take multiple days to a few weeks if we are busy.)

If you aren't sure if you want to join or don't plan to at all, and still have any questions, you can get answers by sending a direct message to Marcellesko.