General Information:

I usually manage to be somewhat consistent with the upload schedule, which is generally speaking once every weekend. I tackle multiple projects, although some of them have ended abruptly.

My Projects:

Over the last few years I have started some shorter projects, a couple long term series and made multiple non-bound videos. Those single standing videos aren't connected to any larger image but are just simple ideas sprinkled around. The long term projects however have earned a special place in my heart and in the ones of those who participate. One of those bigger projects is Krenia which has taken the majority of my attention since the first era. Smaller series like Fremder Freitag, which more or less means "unknown friday" in german (my native language), are more spontaneous and are just to introduce a little variety.

Live Streams:

Next to the YouTube videos, I also used to stream regularely on twitch. Now, if I stream at all, I do so directly on YouTube as well. But during my graduation time I neither had the time, nor the energy to stream, so that part of my content slowly faded out over time.